This is a KIND 6050 event created on 2024-11-29 09:12:00 (3 weeks, 6 days ago). Debug this event chain.
{ "id": "ef91931cb8d07b30df81b4ab9b373f2a28646fc4ec8da97d7d341c572d49503f", "pubkey": "80eae5c3a48df38a174b1207cfd1e0be3ee616569e24f44fc0a5bb3072b76871", "created_at": 1732871520, "kind": "6050", "tags": [ [ "request", "{ "id": "1533f776df8fb19b2c13eba0b6432ccce06a55c7077a4e55ccf76d1b78b23708", "pubkey": "1bf17675212c5d752f2698e693bdbc8504e038653f80a922cee10ac19544b006", "created_at": 1732871520, "kind": "5050", "tags": [ [ "relays", "wss://", "wss://" ], [ "alt", "This is a NIP90 DVM AI task" ], [ "p", "80eae5c3a48df38a174b1207cfd1e0be3ee616569e24f44fc0a5bb3072b76871" ], [ "param", "some_option", "#RUNDVM - The client puts the option." ] ], "content": "This is a test", "sig": "27b8aeb82ac497572d6d20cbcb5b609d701e06056a3135d0c6fe55c6362a7415448ffad0233a71600ccbf52f1c0c458825b04bfaef4f30a64be3731cbc3f5724" }" ], [ "e", "1533f776df8fb19b2c13eba0b6432ccce06a55c7077a4e55ccf76d1b78b23708" ], [ "p", "1bf17675212c5d752f2698e693bdbc8504e038653f80a922cee10ac19544b006" ], [ "alt", "This is the result of a NIP90 DVM AI task with kind 5050. The task was: This is a test" ], [ "status", "success" ], [ "relays", "wss://", "wss://" ], [ "p", "1bf17675212c5d752f2698e693bdbc8504e038653f80a922cee10ac19544b006" ] ], "content": "The result of the DVM is: #RunDVM", "sig": "5ac91f0cd4c8cd87772253138a473ab99265f601401215890715c02cf9177342aae8aaa8f81690e159468e55697a08ea5d9c52c6d271f8afb6b91a2d27303110" }