This is a KIND 6100 event created on 2024-09-04 16:09:05 (3 months, 2 weeks ago). Debug this event chain.
{ "id": "b929d32938f1cea7853824cd480a3c58e285028ad51293bb326ceaae5848e883", "pubkey": "5567c31b1f1ecd33cd140a83be9779e0036d80736a2ec22a14e93c1f27a1bb9b", "created_at": 1725466145, "kind": "6100", "tags": [ [ "request", "{ "id": "e41643d9e22acad4c96c138e3fa44ddfd36ec2326617db5c607e7423f0b8182c", "pubkey": "f8a37cb4360b6c07d9d5bca39007f1ffe7851e63eccb09594426c99c2cb07892", "created_at": 1725466083, "kind": "5100", "tags": [ [ "i", "political cartoon, Donald trump angry at a waiter, missiles and beauty pageant queens piled up behind him, illustration style, greyscale, line art, clean background", "text" ], [ "param", "size", "2048x2048" ], [ "relays", "wss://", "wss://", "wss://", "wss://", "wss://", "wss://" ], [ "output", "image/png" ], [ "bid", "10000000" ], [ "t", "bitcoin" ] ], "content": "", "sig": "3c67a85a9b6753de774dd7d1bcb2f416349a7ef61290a72a2d717bd687d669a303d0b76d192007bf8f20ec4609905621a4a50fc4950f1c64efb22cca9a3649e7" }" ], [ "e", "e41643d9e22acad4c96c138e3fa44ddfd36ec2326617db5c607e7423f0b8182c" ], [ "p", "f8a37cb4360b6c07d9d5bca39007f1ffe7851e63eccb09594426c99c2cb07892" ], [ "alt", "This is the result of a NIP90 DVM AI task with kind 5100. The task was: " ], [ "status", "success" ], [ "relays", "wss://", "wss://", "wss://", "wss://", "wss://", "wss://" ], [ "i", "political cartoon, Donald trump angry at a waiter, missiles and beauty pageant queens piled up behind him, illustration style, greyscale, line art, clean background", "text" ] ], "content": "", "sig": "073d09df556d586612e8101aeef9b15df135d9504ab7c542a522a8a4769072604b1f658b7eff7e286ad46cbe791b542d8f1801e3a1f0364205274b9bc86562bf" }