Event Details

This is a KIND 31990 event created on 2024-09-18 11:12:45 (1 day, 4 hours ago).

  "id": "97b15f0a5e71d6e0d9ee4fe0de8f61d3d3c934193b6771accd1287165e3f5039",
  "pubkey": "2cf10ff849d2769b2b021bd93a0270d03eecfd14126d07f94c6ca2269cb3f3b1",
  "created_at": 1726657965,
  "kind": 31990,
  "tags": [
  "content": "{"name": "One per follow", "image": "https://i.nostr.build/fsGWicUhyRrfy85d.jpg", "picture": "https://i.nostr.build/fsGWicUhyRrfy85d.jpg", "about": "I show the single latest note of people you follow", "lud16": "[email protected]", "encryptionSupported": true, "cashuAccepted": true, "personalized": false, "amount": "free", "nip90Params": {"max_results": {"required": false, "values": [], "description": "The number of maximum results to return (default currently 200)"}}}",
  "sig": "b229bd8783d79ce3cd8bf050e615c1913f88f6dcccb16b8a4e851bf8bdf14f4bc08d583b81dc5424eb0c1f764ff938d1b798f7792481d79bd7a719134f86c708"

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