Event Details

This is a KIND 31990 event created on 2024-03-08 21:15:57 (6 months, 1 week ago).

  "id": "6e3a1910973d69a6b1ab99657ad40b3648ac72b4d9a213580cdb65620bf3cb6b",
  "pubkey": "036950830f1bd6b7aa2f57413d5bfad185a56e73d55a3742dbe742c6fbe6ce4a",
  "created_at": 1709932557,
  "kind": 31990,
  "tags": [
  "content": "{"name": "(Test Version) GoCharlie.ai Image Generation DVM", "image": "https://void.cat/d/74erhnghusbWuJPWS8UeGy.webp/", "about": "This is a test instance of GoCharlie's AI Image Generation Model. Please use the non-test version. Check us out at https://gocharlie.ai/ and follow us at nostr:npub1gc4ugs55ddy4acch7d9xmk0hyr5gtxdxe4jv3gnt8g5yf05pj68q82lr6r\
By default this DVM will return an image via a url. If you would like to receive the image as base64-encoded bytes, please set the 'return_image_as_bytes' parameter to True in the NIP90 request.", "encryptionSupported": true, "cashuAccepted": true, "nip90Params": {"return_image_as_bytes": {"required": false, "values": [true, false]}}}",
  "sig": "e1c5e8fe278668dc8eab56be907365547d17aa816a9cc45fd2d3eef90bba663820eb75f9dd29763eeaa3720eb064961e2c716df1a3d37c770afa232ce0d306dd"

Note: Under active development, if you find a bug, please report it here GitHub & Reach out.