Event Details

This is a KIND 6100 event created on 2024-03-12 17:50:58 (6 months ago). Debug this event chain.

  "id": "389ea6ac7927adec59f593b92970a0fbbff8f71b02618cfaa753b0165308f170",
  "pubkey": "461acda8919f314162ebca6cf18824215921acaa2824efe94beead873c03754f",
  "created_at": 1710265858,
  "kind": "6100",
  "tags": [
        "id": "9a5193cca4421064e94a3714427211b5715828e18288d5c00016a4943c4aa4dd",
        "pubkey": "463a89adedcfa6ddba625e2bfa81c1fd4ddb23ff73d58e1ae9bbae8bb7b266e6",
        "created_at": 1710265831,
        "kind": "5100",
        "tags": [
                        "a purple ostrich leading an army of ostriches into battle",
                        "This is a NIP90 DVM AI task to generate an image"
        "content": "a purple ostrich leading an army of ostriches into battle",
        "sig": "4a6331844d5a0f96434f9574b4fb1fd3eda324cf136d8f6b530358de9edfd7972086f40c9ee5ec7314d54a310573370435ba89a6d18ec5a18335a3377177d88f"
      "This is the result of a NIP90 DVM AI task with kind 5100. The task was: a purple ostrich leading an army of ostriches into battle"
      "a purple ostrich leading an army of ostriches into battle",
  "content": "https://image.nostr.build/cf6fce3c73ff4a674ca435e50ff1268e5a4d9fdf9f0164c306311ba1caf99361.jpg",
  "sig": "11f5b6d52bd619fbd8dee6b560632e496d30e562b68c28cf17516b02e759ebac405ad6bbc5a91eff373d616f096a5277ba892685e3217474bc1675ea6474b868"

Note: Under active development, if you find a bug, please report it here GitHub & Reach out.