Event Details

This is a KIND 6050 event created on 2024-08-28 21:27:16 (3 weeks ago). Debug this event chain.

  "id": "2e1fc77b10c29aaa7046290f480371655825a05e7930a5870f4bede5d62bb932",
  "pubkey": "a018ba05af400b52772e33162d8326fca4a167fe7b6d3cd2382e14cac2af6841",
  "created_at": 1724880436,
  "kind": "6050",
  "tags": [
        "id": "85ed9c382658c75b42ab520fc0eea7ba3a2a807353c15cc0e409bae3f38aef60",
        "pubkey": "c63c5b4e21b9b1ec6b73ad0449a6a8589f6bd8542cabd9e5de6ae474b28fe806",
        "created_at": 1724880432,
        "kind": "5050",
        "tags": [
                        "what is nostr?",
        "content": "",
        "sig": "199d6dc2104570bca932418cc9324cac6815ba15797c0999153609d9d0959baf5da89b7548d45c35b20d26d937cc4d61c3245e87fadc3a29267cd0463cee7500"
      "This is the result of a NIP90 DVM AI task with kind 5050. The task was: "
      "what is nostr?",
  "content": "Nostr (Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays) is a decentralized protocol designed for creating and sharing content, such as messages and social media posts, without relying on a central server. It allows users to publish and subscribe to notes, which can be anything from text messages to more complex data. The key features of Nostr include:

1. **Decentralization**: Nostr operates on a decentralized network of relays, meaning there is no single point of control or failure. Users can choose which relays to connect to, enhancing privacy and resilience.

2. **Simplicity**: The protocol is designed to be simple and easy to implement, allowing developers to create applications that can interact with it without complex infrastructure.

3. **User Control**: Users have control over their data and can choose how and where to publish their notes. This aligns with the principles of privacy and freedom of expression.

4. **Interoperability**: Nostr aims to be interoperable with various applications, enabling different platforms to communicate and share content seamlessly.

Overall, Nostr is part of a broader movement towards decentralized technologies that prioritize user autonomy and privacy in online communication.",
  "sig": "ef8daf106162e0bc9087cf588b460a2774374561ece7a9255e241559133ad7895a6f952c516fb912007496e5a4b452505a11132e26c197b7bae6dc5e0b92fe2a"

Note: Under active development, if you find a bug, please report it here GitHub & Reach out.