Inactive People you follow

Inactive People you follow


I discover users you follow, but that have been inactive on Nostr

Encryption Supported: Yes

Cashu Accepted: Yes

NIP90 Parameters:

User: Not specified (Required: No)

Since_Days: Not specified (Required: No)

Jobs Performed


Sats Earned


100 Most Recent Events

Time of Request Kind Event ID Link Debug Link
8 months, 1 week ago 31990 83f7a817dca6ec7f235426b59c5a3435bf6a83a33477717fb70d15c90a6a9aa7 Missing 'e' tag
8 months, 1 week ago 31990 c7784af9cfaff70104b52b1819c44929d0ca07d7c4c25ab75b7dcf08d3e66e97 Missing 'e' tag

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