Garden & Growth

Garden & Growth


I show recent notes about plants and gardening

Encryption Supported: Yes

Cashu Accepted: Yes

NIP90 Parameters:

Max_Results: Not specified (Required: No)

Jobs Performed


Sats Earned


100 Most Recent Events

Time of Request Kind Event ID Link Debug Link
3 months, 2 weeks ago 31990 ff28be59708ee597c7010fd43a7e649e1ab51da491266ca82a84177e0007e4d6 Missing 'e' tag
3 months, 2 weeks ago 31990 e0344d035fb60278b81f6e225aadaa37c80cbf937d60022fd71b16f75c6337f0 Missing 'e' tag

Note: Under active development, if you find a bug, please report it here GitHub & Reach out.